Our Team

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Mardee - Principal Lawyer

Mardee has over 13 years experience as a construction litigation and dispute resolution lawyer, having successfully represented statutory bodies, homeowners, builders and corporate clients in both Tribunal and Court proceedings. 

Previously an in-house lawyer with an industry regulator and a member of a specialist construction team in a mid-tier firm, Mardee has extensive knowledge of and success in representing clients in matters relating to the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC). This experience includes representing clients and negotiating outcomes in review applications for matters involving rectification of defects, insurance disputes, licensing and certification complaints and disciplinary proceedings, amongst others. Mardee acts for both builders and owners in relation to contractual disputes and defective and incomplete work claims and has in depth knowledge of Tribunal and Court practice and procedure.

Mardee’s mediation background and client focused approach ensures timely practical and commercial advice to assist in achieving cost effective outcomes for her clients.

Mardee calls a spade a spade (both literally and figuratively) and understands the construction process from the plans to the moment the keys are handed over, which is invaluable when assisting clients with realistic, sensible legal advice and outcomes.


BA/LLB (Hons), Grad Dip Legal Prac, LLM, GAICD, Grad Dip in Legal Business.

Kellie - Senior Lawyer

Kellie is a Senior Lawyer at Hearthstone Legal with over 15 years of experience and expertise in building and residential construction law and dispute resolution.  Kellie adopts a consultative approach in advising and guiding her clients and enjoys working closely with them.   She brings a unique set of skills to Hearthstone Legal because she has worked as a solicitor in both private practice and in-house in the public sector.  Kellie has also advanced into executive management and worked as a governance consultant supporting boards and government ministers.

When she’s away from her desk, Kellie enjoys reading, creating content for social media and competes in powerlifting competitions. 

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Jane - Paralegal

Jane is a Justice of the Peace (Qual) and a paralegal with over 20 years experience in multiple areas of law. Affectionately dubbed the “Mother of Dragons” (as perhaps the only on the person on the planet whom enjoyed Season 8 of Game of Thrones), Jane is a tenacious assistant that ensures that your job gets done.

Jane found her home in litigation in 2009 and has now worked exclusively in litigation for 12 years and developed a keen interest in debt recovery and construction litigation matters.

Jane is the essential lifeblood of the team offering helpful and insightful reminders and ensuring that our team is able to fight for the best possible outcomes.


AssocDipLaw, JP (Qual), Certifcate IV - Workplace Health and Safety (currently completing)


Mia - Law Clerk

Mia Atley is our Law Clerk at Hearthstone Legal. She is currently pursuing a Law degree at the Queensland University of Technology and has a particular interest in civil and commercial law. Mia assists in providing our Principal Lawyer, Mardee, and Senior Consultant Kellie with legal research, providing case notes and summarising recent and relevant decisions. When she’s not at work or studying, Mia can be found enjoying concerts, experimenting in the kitchen, and binge-watching reality TV shows.